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A member registered Jun 04, 2017

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i ran into the issue of the inquisition still atacking me inside a stronghold

the player hitbox is too big otherwise neat concept

my first encounter obviously had either the wrong text or options and the battle that came with it crashed my game after i won

i cant seem to get the new power console to work the only button that works is connect to auxilary grid all others dont react to me ineracting with them

i got extremly lucky as the SECOND civilization i encounterd survived long enough to develop tfl travel and join me :D

i foudn a bug that made it that if a city in the peoples society rebels the rebels jsut act liek a regular army under the command of the peoples society

also the AI of the crawling death should be reworked it tends to get stuck in a loop of atacking 2 citys

Bug Report: i tried to remove a Corpseheart but it didnt disapear